Wednesday, November 30, 2011

10 jalan paling unik dan mengagumkan

1. Steepest Street, New Zealand

Klaim:Merupakan jalan paling curam di dunia
2. Savoy Court, Inggris

Klaim:Satu-satunya jalan di Inggris yang mewajibkan pengendara berjalan di sebelah kanan. Seperti kita ketahui bahwasanya orang-orang di Inggris selalu berjalan di sebelah kiri seperti kita di Indonesia (tidak seperti di Amerika dan Eropa lainnya yang biasanya berjalan di sebelah kanan), tetapi ada satu jalan di Inggris yang mewajibkan pengendara berjalan di sebelah kanan, yaitu di Savor Court ini.
3. The Magic Roundabout, England

Klaim:Bundaran paling buruk di dunia
Dibangun pada tahun 1972 dan terdiri dari 5 roundabouts kecil. Untuk membuat hal-hal yang lebih buruk, Anda harus melakukan perjalanan, anti-clockwise (kebalikan dari yang biasa pada situasi roundabouts Inggris), ketika Anda memasuki pusat bundaran kecil.
4. Lombard Street, United States

Klaim:Jalan paling berliku-liku di dunia
5. 9 de Julio Avenue,Argentina

Klaim:Jalan paling luas di dunia
Memiliki enam Lanes di setiap arah dan spans seluruh blok kota. Terdapat satu bangunan yang duduk di Avenue tetapi ada banyak landmark terkenal di samping - seperti Kedubes Perancis yang lama, patung Don , dan yang terkenal tugu (terlihat dalam gambar di atas) dan Plaza de la República.
6. Road To Giza, Mesir

Klaim:Jalan aspal tertua di dunia
The Road to Giza adalah jalan aspal tertua di dunia. Dibangun lebih dari 4600 tahun dengan lebar 6,5 kaki. Menghubungkan ke quarries Southwest dari Kairo, ke dermaga di Danau Moeris yang terhubung ke Nil. Jalan yang digunakan untuk transportasi besar blok basal ke Giza di mana mereka digunakan untuk bangunan.
7. Parliament Street, Inggris

Klaim:Jalan Paling sempit di dunia
Inilah jalan ter sempit di dunia dengan ukuran 0,64 meter.
8. Pan-American Highway, The Americas

Klaim:Jalan terpanjang di dunia
Dengan panjang 48.000 kilometer (29.800 mil) dan melewati 15 negara termasuk Amerika Serikat, Kanada, Meksiko, Peru, Argentina dan El salvador membuat jalan ini sebagai jalan terpanjang di dunia.
9. Ebenezer Place, Skotlandia

Klaim:Jalan paling pendek di dunia
Hanya berukuran 2,06 meter (6,8 kaki). Hanya ada satu rumah di jalan ini, dibangun pada 1883. Bangunan adalah hotel (Mackays) dan pemilik telah menginstruksikan melukis nama jalan di samping. Jalan ini diresmikan pada tahun 1887.
10. Gravity Hill, Various Locations

Klaim:Jalan Yang menentang hukum-hukum Fisika
Bila Anda parkir mobil Anda di kaki bukit(kadang-kadang disebut juga magnetik perbukitan atau bukit Mystery), mobil akan melaju ke atas, tidak turun. Ini adalah sebuah ilusi optik yang disebabkan oleh lingkungan sekitar. Jika anda tertarik untuk mengunjungi gravity bukit, Wikipedia memiliki daftarnya dan lokasinya di seluruh dunia.

keep going

No matter what you do, no matter how many times you screw up and think to your self “there is no point to carry on”, no matter how many people tell you that you cant do it - keep going. Dont quit.

Dont quit, because a month from now you’ll be much closer to your goal than you are now. Yerterday you said tomorrow. Make today count.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

psychological fact 2

When a person cries and the first drop of tears comes from the right eye,its from happiness. But when the first roll is from the left,its pain.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

happy new year

find a word

warna hijau warna syurga

Ada banyak perkataan HIJAU di dalam ayat-ayat Al-Quran dan menjelaskan keadaan penghuni Jannah ataupun segala yang ada di sekelilingnya, berupa kenikmatan, suasana, kesenangan, ketenangan jiwa.

Berikut dipetik beberapa ayat al-Quran serta maksud yang telah meletakkan warna HIJAUpada satu tempat yang mulia dan dipandang indah oleh Allah. 

1. Maksud ayat : ” Mereka itu disediakan baginya Syurga yang kekal, yang mengalir di bawahnya beberapa sungai; mereka dihiaskan di dalamnya dengan gelang-gelang tangan emas dan memakai pakaian HIJAU dari sutera yang nipis dan sutera tebal yang bersulam, mereka berehat di dalamnya dengan berbaring di atas pelamin-pelamin (yang berhias). Demikian itulah balasan yang sebaik-baiknya dan demikian itulah Syurga tempat berehat yang sebaik-baiknya.”

2. Maksud ayat :  “Penduduk Syurga itu ( bersenang-lenang) di dalamnya dengan) berbaring di atas (bantal-bantal) dan cadar-cadar yang HIJAU warnanya serta permaidani-permaidani yang sangat indah.”
Surah Ar-Rahman : Ayat 76

3. Maksud ayat : “Mereka di dalam Syurga memakai pakaian HIJAU yang diperbuat dari sutera halus dan sutera tebal (yang bertekat), serta mereka dihiasi dengan gelang-gelang tangan dari perak dan mereka diberi minum oleh Tuhan mereka dengan sejenis minuman ( yang lain) yang bersih suci.”
Surah Al-Insan : Ayat 21

4. Maksud ayat : " Mereka (Ahli syurga) mengenakan pakaian sutra halus yang HIJAU dan sutra tebal.
Surah Al-Kahf : Ayat 31

HIJAU juga adalah warna kegemaran Rasulullah SAW. Kubah Masjid Nabawi sendiri berwarna HIJAU. Simbol-simbol keIslaman di seluruh dunia adalah berwarna HIJAU. Warna HIJAU juga mampu menjadikan pandangan mata nyaman .

Jelaslah bahawa warna HIJAU adalah warna Syurga, warna yang disukai oleh Allah yang mencipta warna itu sendiri dan indah pula sehingga menghiasi Syurga. Justeru itu, mudah-mudahan pendedahan ini membuka hati manusia agar beriman dan menyukai apa yang disukai oleh Allah dan Rasul-Nya; memandang indah apa yang dipandang indah oleh Allah. Rasulullah juga bercita-cita untuk memakai pakaian berwarna HIJAU di Syurga kelak. 

Sumber: Kitab: Ma’a Al-Thib fii Al-Qur’an Al-Karim, Dr. Abdul Hamid Diyab, Dr. Ahmad Qarquz, Mu’assasah Ulum Al-Qur’an, Dimasyq.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

psychological fact

                Psychological fact :

       When you think about someone a lot,
it means they were thinking
of  you first.
So, believe it or not...
That’s the fact...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I love my mom


no matter what we go through,
and no matter how much we argue,
I know in the end,
she'll always with me :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

the beauty of Bukittinggi


        Bukittinggi is one of 19 regions of west sumatera province. Its the city where indonesiian proclamator Bung Hatta was born, its also a cultural city in west sumatera. Bukittinggi is also well known as cooled weather tourism city. Bukittinggi is entitled sisiter city with Seremban City of Negeri Sembilan Malaysia.
           There are so many interesting things that you cant find in other city in Indonesia. What are they? Just check it out !!

1.    Sianok canyon (Ngarai Sianok)
           Sianok Canyon has a beautiful views with a lilte stream. Here, you can also try an extraordinary and extreme experience that is explore Japanese tunnel. In that tunnel, you will find a room where indonesian people were killed by the japanese.

2.    Tridaya Eka Dharma Museum
           As you know, Bukittinggi ever be the capital city of Indonesia. All of the proof of that era you can find in this museum. There is no ticket for entering this museum. We can contribute our money as much as we want. This museum located in front of the Sianok canyon. So after visiting Sianok canyon, dont forget come to this museum.

3.    Clock tower ( Jam Gadang)
           Clock Tower or well known as Jam Gadang is one of the landmark of Bukittinggi city. One of the uniqueness on Jam Gadang is the roman numbers on the face of this clock. When writing roman number IV usually include a symbol to symbolize the four roman numbers. Then, the clock is labeled with number four large slieve with a symbol roman IIII (in general way is IV). In this area there is a traditional transportation called Bendi.

4.    Kerupuk Sanjai
           If you visit Bukittinggi, dont forget to buy kerupuk sanjai. Kerupuk sanjai is chips that made from sweet potato. There are so many varience of kerupuk sanjai. You can buy it in every corner of the market.

5.    Trade
Dont forget to buy souvenir from Bukittinggi. You can find there so many handicraft in this trade (pasar atas). For example the miniature of the clock tower.

        That 5 points below just a lilte about interesting thing in Bukittinggi. There are many more. Just visit Bukittinggi . I am sure that you wont be disappointed.JJ

Sunday, November 13, 2011

5 Hijab Realizations for all Hijabis - new and old

1)   Hijab is not going to protect you from rape or sexual assault.
-A common misconception about hijab is that it protects you from any unwanted sexual attention. This is extremely misleading and incorrect. Thousands upon thousands of hijabis and niqabis are victims of all sorts of sexual assault. A person does not rape or sexually assault a woman based on her clothing. It is about power, control, and opportunity. Given the circumstance, a covered woman is just as likely to be sexually attacked as an uncovered woman. It is better to be realistic and prepared than to believe our clothing makes us invincible.
2)   Hijab is not going to turn you into a pious woman instantly.
-Hijab does not define you; rather, you define your hijab. It is your personality and your actions that make you pious. The physical hijab is nothing more than a reminder to yourself, as well as others, that you are supposed to be serving Allah in all of your actions. When you look at yourself wearing hijab, you should think twice about your actions because when others look at you in hijab they are looking at you more harshly than they are looking at an uncovered woman. Why? Because your actions represent Islam and that includes all Muslim women. In a perfect world, people wouldn’t be so judgmental; however, we do not live in a perfect world so we hijabis must accept the fact that we are living symbols of Islam. 
3)   Hijab is not going to make you better than anyone else.
-There is far too much pro-hijabi propaganda that asserts that women who are covered are saints and that uncovered women are sinners. I’m hard-pressed to think of anything hijabi related that is more insulting or misleading. Comparing covered women to wrapped candy and uncovered women to unwrapped and dirty candy is absurd. Side-by-side cartoons of an uncovered woman, primping in font of a mirror and a covered women, primping in front of a mirror is also offensive. You’ve seen it. The captions read that the uncovered woman is making sure she has the best style to attract a man and that the covered woman is making sure she is covered appropriately so that Allah is pleased with her. The latter is what should be true and the former is only sometimes true. Both are gross generalizations and the end result is only insulting and arrogant. This kind of pro-hijabi propaganda turns women off from hijab- Muslim and non-Muslim alike.
4)   Hijab is not going to earn you respect.
-As stated previously, it is your personality and actions that earn you respect. If we change our appearance by wearing hijab but don’t change our attitudes along with our wardrobe change, we’re going to have a very hard time earning the respect of others. Obviously, we’re not capable of pleasing everyone; however, we can probably please a great deal of people by behaving as good Muslims, not to mention the ultimate pleasure of Allah.
5)   Hijab is not going to give you the right to change and criticize everyone around you.  
-This is one last reminder. Being a hijabi does not suddenly make you an expert on Islam, modesty, dignity and self-respect. We are all students of Islam for life. We are always learning something new and we are always forgetting. We are obligated to remind each other, not to change each other. If you’ve decided to take on hijab, I congratulate you. That is wonderful news but please focus all of your new and energized iman on yourself. We all have minor changes to work on and we should be critical of ourselves more than anyone else. Putting on hijab is often only the first of many steps. Be kind. Be patient. Be respectful. Celebrate your victory but be mindful that you don’t put down others in the process. 
May Allah guide us all.